This morning, I've been extra sleepy. I struggled to set up the cafe on time. I didn't think anyone else would be in this morning 'til half eleven, so I was surprised when Kira, the manager, appeared through the door just after ten, me knelt behind the bar with a sweaty fringe trying to get all the dirt off my shoes.
I haven't updated in a couple of days...I've been doing so well after my hiatus, it's time to keep it up. My blog is therapeutic.
I don't think I ever would have started this blog if I had stayed in Canada. My original intention was to use this as an outlit for keeping in touch with my mate's in Canada, now, it's more like a way to reduce the amount I talk to myself each day. Right now, I can hear my own voice in my head.... 'la la laaaa' oops, that was out loud.
Hey! The house behind me has a fig tree which partially hangs over my back fence. This was discovered by Steph and Josh the other day, so yesterday Josh and I used some gardening tools to snatch away six very delicious figs. Untill yesterday, I had never had a real fig before! They're so good!!! If only I could keep all the birds and bats out...
Saying, 'good' just reminded me of this Nick Hornby novel called, 'How to be Good'. It was hard to get through. Hmmm...maybe I didn't finish it. Oh well, I'm not a Horby fan I guess, save for High Fidelity.
Blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!
My Dirty Shoes.
Big Day Out was on Monday. It was awesome. It's been years since I last went to a big festival. I went to Rocket in Hong Kong in '05 and '06 but that's a pretty small deal compared to anything outside of Asia.
These are the bands I managed to catch throughout the day.
Rage Against the Machine
Arcade Fire
LCD Soundsystem
Operator Please
Midnight Juggarnauts
I'll start by proudly saying that I did not intend to watch Silverchair! It was an accident I swear! My poor ears must be hating me! I saw them once when I was a wee fella and they still played loud stuff. They very, very surprisingly played the old tune, Freak. Ah the nostalgia! And weren't so bad over all. My favourite acts of the day? well...
In that order. Of course, a lot beer was sloshing around inside me by the time Rage and LCD soundsystem hopped on stage, thus making both extremely fun! But, the top three were just incredible. Spoon comes in fourth:) They had some tough competition and didn't play my favourite song! buggers
I'm very happy to have seen Rage and witness how fucking crazy people got during their set. Guys were climbing up skinny trees, on top of the 30 foot tall beer tent, and pretty much anything else that rose above their own drunken heads. It was fantastic. Josh, Steph and I hung back during Rage. We had no interest in getting crushed and had been dancing all day. Cut off time was ten and beer tickets needed to be put to good use, another reason for keeping away from the front lines.
Pnau played under a huge tent full of lights, GIANT! balloons and ten dancing maskots, from a rabid, pointy tooth strawberry, a happy sun, to a lightening bolt and other hilarious getups.
Bjork isn't just a musician. She really is a performance artist of the highest order. Closing with a song I only recently discovered, and immediately fell in love with, Declare Independence. She dedicated it to the aboriginal people of Australia, yelling the most prominent lines over the crowd, "Declare independence! Don't let them do that to you!" as massive clouds of plastic confetti burst from somewhere high above the singer's head and down onto the crowds'. The song was original written for the people of Greenland but works perfectly for any country and it's citizen's who disregard 'their' lands original inhabitants. Canada, America and Australia are always the first to pop in my head. But there are so many others. What do we do about it? Their world has been destoyed. We screwed up didn't we. Imagine if the world's ocean's were just a bit more trecherous. So much would be different.
My Addiction.
Rob was kind enough to tell me about a great website for manga's of all sorts. There are soooo many I've never even heard of and I really thought I was doing a good job of being an anime nerd lately. Ah well.
I've been catching up on one of my favs called, Bleach. I don't know what the title has to do with the storyline.....maybe at the end the main character says, 'fuck it' and drinks a load of bleach. That would be most disapointing! If you're reading this Kubo Tite, please don't get any ideas!
So, yup yup Bleach has been keeping me away from my bloggy love. I'm now switching to and fro my blog and Bleach...focus focus focus.
Sorry Kachun, Brent and Smipsy! This is such a long one. I think you're the only three that read this swirl of letters of mine. wooooooooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
For frosty Smipsy:
Wear fuzzy slippers on your hands and ears too:P yaaaaaaaaaaahh!
time to find some dandy pictures full of goodness and self rising yeast.
buga buga bebs
I cant stop laughing at that picture, look at her, she looks totally smitten with you, your a charmer puppy. Please wear a belly dancing outfit next time, i swear thats how to attract the ladies!.
Em, i agree that blogging is therapeutic for nerds like us. I see that you have seen australian talents i adore, woew woeow..bjork is god. the end!
oh puppy do not suggest slippers, all i can picture is old granny slippers!. i got these totoro ones though, they're great!
Bleach, you should read shoujo manga, its great stuff, girls whining and ranting. Oh like my blog!.
hmm i can't wait for summer
this bloody cold is making me cry.
no no, smipsy should not cry!
melb is all smiles :)
I really like reading your blog! i found it randomly a long time ago, i love that you are updating again.
anyways what is this manga website you are talking about i too must catch up on bleach i have been watching the anime have yet to read all the manga though!
my ass is in melbroune febish or beginning of march, depends on when i start!. i'm going to a fashion school called whitehouse doing fashion design in the city i believe, :). i was looking at richmond area, ahh twins!, but i plan on finding a flatmate because living on my own is a hassle and i do not know the city. be my flatmateeeee im not sure what ill end up with!
oh sleep overs are definitely in our plans no?, how else would we paint nude, make key chains and braid each other's hair!. hmm?!, aw we can be bunkies and act like we are 10 again, i'm going to give you a pillow to practice your kisses on, how yeah!.
yes he is intense but not in omg hes so passionate and how sexy way..hmm..yes thats my definition of integrity too, is that how you woo your women?
totoro rules and you should be jealous, wraps legs around ur neck and hangs like a monkey.
aren't you excited to meet your twin?
we must be separated at birth!
your disgusting random humor will never clash with my hideous random humor.
we will hold hands and make fun of others.
its very exciting to meet a boy version of me
i suppose i can be miss nuditive, so long as it does not offend you.
no sleepsss for usssss!!!
i hear lots blahblahblah eh!
Samgter! ooooo a hidden face! you are a pleasurable mix of ghanian Tuo Zanfi and peppermint tea!
Smipsytwinlove!!!!!!! This is my new word for today! oh oh owwwwwww i'm so giddy for your arrival. Bjork is surely a godess of unparralel ability. I would love to be your flat mate, really! But, I need to work work work more more more for that to happen. It would be so sleeplessly good to live together. Us two artists making sheep calls and pudding so late at night. "There's a couple up the stairs, making noise all the time. Late at night, they bang their pots and their pans."
There you go smipserific! That's a quote from a lovely song bouncing within my ears.
Sleep over's are a must! I'm drooling with anticipation and a wine soaked brain.... bwaaaa.....lalllalallalaaaaa
makie makie sushi lady!!!!!!!!1
we should also make hideous volatile sex noises and giggle the nights away. one of us can pretend we had a gender change!. oh lots of fun bebsy!! :).
Pretend! I've never been to great at pretending. Bwah. We'll have to go all out and play cho dai dee. The winner keeps their gender.
pretend..not pretend..
we will just do whatever we feel like at the moment
impulses are fun.
you will loose for sure!!
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