Thursday, August 31, 2006

The David Bowie Knives

Here we go again.
I need to leave the country by september sixth. The next available flight to Phuket is on the sixth. I'm cutting it way too close this time, but this is what happens when you don't have any options.

I've started a new bog called Hongkongbebs.

Though I do post pictures on this blog, I do so mainly to add a little spice to the plain black layout. This new one is strickly for photos. I'll update regularily and most photo's will be very recent. I've made a few posts already. The latest for my friend Adriana. I was meant to send some pics I took to her ages ago. This way is much more efficient than most others.

I also put up some photo's from when I was in British Columbia two summers ago. I like the one's I posted and figured I may as well share them with the internet world, instead of just having them sit around unnoticed on a hard drive.

If you have any requests for photos just let me know. I have loads of pictures of the hong kong gang out in various spots, including the famous Woodstone RIP and Dundas.

In music news. The new band formation is doing really well. Kachun seemed to completely lose interest in everything to do with doublethinks and general keeping in touch. So, gabe shaun and I are keeping the dream alive. We didn't want to keep the name Doublethinks because doublethinks was a four piece. Doublethinks could only be with Kachun. So we've adopted the name The David Bowie Knives.

Last night was our first ever show as an official three piece and it was probably the best response we've had from any audience. The applause and whistles were from unfamilar faces plus a few I don't get to see too often.
Cheers to everyone who came out to support us.
Tom and Paul of the Academy, Sholan and Annette of the Shotgun She-ras...Jenkins, Paddy,'re all very supportive. cheers.

The three of us loved playing together last night. We want to do it again soon.
Nothing beats that kind of sweat, noise and jumping around.

Our next David Bowie Knives gig is an important one. We're auditioning for Hong Kong's Rockit festival @ Red Devil Bar in Ho Man Tin (Near Mong Kok) on SEPTEMBER 21ST!
Come support us!

That's the day after my birthday folks. So even if you don't give a damn about live music, at least join me for a celebratory drink.

On birthdays.
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
I had a drink just for you.

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