Monday, August 07, 2006

and that's the way it is

I've had a few complaints about the lack of visuals when I update my blog, so this is a little promise for all you wonderful people....I will post pictures soon!
I would regularly post a few pictures of recent events, but I usually only update this blog when I'm at work with a long long break. On this old box computer we teachers lack administrative access, so I'm not able to do much unless I'm at home...and whenever I'm at home I don't really feel like sitting down to my blog.

Rod and I went for a hike yesterday in search of Amar's Rock, which is on one of the eight mountains along the dragon's back that separates kowloon from the new territories. Tai Wai is fairly well in the middle of the dragon's back so all we had to do was walk around the corner from our flat and we could start our way up.
easy enough.


At some point we took a wrong turn and our leisurely hike of not two hours turned out to be just over five. We didn't even make it to Amar's Rock. Instead, we ended up somewhere WAY better!
Lion's rock is incredible. I had no idea that such a broad view of Hong Kong even existed. So, I will post a few pics of from the adventures of Rod and Brendan very soon. maybe tonight.....probably not.

Right well, it was pitch black when we were coming back down the mountain, we didn't have any flashlights, the ground was pretty dewy wet or just plain steep, AND WE COULD HEAR MONKEYS!
Coming down from lion's rock the first thing we had to do was walk straight into the dark mouth of dense over growth, where the moon didn't have a single opportunity to share it's light, and when in the same spot last a monkey making odd noises was not four feet above me.
Rod, being the whimsicle fellow that he is suggested that I use the camera light on my mobile which luckily doesn't just flash but stays on. There were a few tricky spots on the way down when I was thankful that my camera light was desinged to be so unresonably bright.

About half a kilometre down we decided that the path which we came by would be way too tricky completly void of light, so we took a new path down the moon lit side of the mountain; one that would bring us down into kowloon, we didn't know where.

An hour later we were both laughing and couldn't be happier to be on flat ground. We found the first 7-11 in site and promptly bought water, a soft icecream and a bag of hot n' spicy crisps.

I swear I've never eaten so much in my life with such ease, when we found home at half ten.


Hoppy's fur! I let her hair grow for ages so she'd look like a fluff ball and it worked. Last week, however, I had to chop it all off because she was getting massive dirty dreadlocks all behind her legs, under her chin, behind her ears and even on her feet. It took a while but she's now looking cute as ever sporting a new summer do.


It's cora's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CORA!
It was Jenkin's birthday on the first. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JENKINS!
Gabe's birthday is sometime this month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOMETIME THIS MONTH GABE!
My wonderful pops has a birthday at the end of the month. HAPPY SOON TO HAVE A B-DAY POPS!

Once again I've lost track of time.
Once again it's time to go.
One more lesson.
One last hour.

live long and prosper

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