Friday, August 18, 2006

the kitchen sweats

Our kitchen has been invaded by little fruit flys. There are so many of them at times that we've made a little game of it, seeing who can clap the most of them out of existence in a day.

Here's rob digging the purple shades.

Wednesday night Jas stayed over at the flat and it seemed that everyone had the next day off. So, naturally we needed pancakes to celebrate a thursday breakfast free of work. Jas took to the kitchen and came back over half an hour later with these. They looked more like mash potatos than pancakes, but they at least had the right taste.
She served them with jam and cream cheese.
Jam, Yes.
Cream Cheese, surprisingly...yes.

In the corner of the flat, hiding behind the shoes is the infamous Macau beer tower, the tallest standing structure in our 500sq ft. Construction soon to recommence.

eat noodles, be nice.

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