Monday, February 04, 2008

round trip nostalgia

Trip One,

My Hong Kong, my tai wai. My role as an artist is to allow others to see how I interpret everything. This painting is for my years in hong kong and my favourite home there, in tai wai. From my bedroom window were mountains. I climbed them nearly every week. Under the mountains are the scores of apartment buildings, scenery and beside....balloons! My neighbour used to bring me a lot of balloons. Some were heart shaped, some looked like birds! Her name is Appple. She spells it with three 'p's. Thank you best neighbour ever.

Trip Two,

I found a new word! It wasn't hard of course...untill I tried to read it aloud and promptly was sitting back in my desk at St. Mary's elementary school.


Can you guess what it means? It's for my twin... though it fails to illuminate her.

umm...let's find a picture! Come now, I'll hold your hand if you're scared.

What?! "Crayon" means to depict. I looked it up because of the elementary school mention. I had a great childhood. I've had a great life:)! It's odd when words become hijacked and transform, especially from verb to noun, like crayon.

see ya friendly faces!


smipsytalksalot said...

how do i say this..without looking like a 14 year old girl or boy, infact that was the only time i felt like this!. i was going to call you and tell you! because my impulsive mouth never shutsupppp.but out with the rents took too long,i have not felt like this in a long time, im not sure what it is but i'm pretty sure my affection and how intrigued/charmed i am by you, is well obvious!.


i would never joke about my feelingsssssss! ever! because its not funny!

im not sure what this all is..

if your up for it..
think we should go on a date, be our unconventional selves, lick ice cream cones, eat icecream, skip on pebbles hoping not to fall, or if we do, i rather fall on you and squish you, talk to ponies and make fun of toothless kids.

your paintings make me smile
:) is useful, coming from you, means the world to my silly heart.

suppose this looks really cheesy and dumb, i shouldve called you instead!, oh well impulsive :)

my minds never in the gutter ;)

i wish i could lie and say i'm drunk..
remain my twin regardless?

goodnight bebsypie

Brendan said...

ma mee ma mo, ma mo ma me

smipsytalksalot said...

ngoh chisin.
i was going to delete it when i woke up but you read it already!
forgive me i'm not good with feelings, and tend to utter out blerbs and blabs.
i feel a bit more sane today!

your not supposed to have a crush on your own twin was all i recall telling myself last night as i hastily did most things.

ah well!
hey i have japanese blood in my grandpa's side..

growing up..i..always wanted to be im not sure. normal i believe, ha. oh i wanted to be a ghost, yeti and someone's imaginary friend, i loved random myths and ghost stories.

whatever happens i think we will be those, hallmark, 'bestfriendz forever' thing.

yes please
i dunno about holding hands at crossing, i love jay walking.

have good day twinsirfreckles!

smipsytalksalot said...

ngoh ho jung yee lei brendan!!
cherish this, i doubt ill ever call you brendan
unless i was giving you the silent treatment!
oh wait that means im not talking to youuu..
but you are puppy, forever puppybebsy to me;).
