In the manga I'm obsessed with (I very much am in love with Bleach) there's a funny little character with a lisp. Now, I wonder if there's anyone with a lisp out there who can't say their own name, like Sara, Steven and such. What a cruel world! I think I'd have to change to something short and easy, like John, Bill or Bob. Yup.
Yesterday morning, I woke up just after seven not feeling too great. No, that's not it. I felt good. I still felt a bit drunk when I woke up, showered went to work and then CRASH! Setting up was a struggle indeed!
Saturday was meant to be a fairly quiet night. I harboured no secret longing for drunken shinanagans. But, somehow I ended up wearing a garbage bag tube top and a garbage bag skirt. There were other garbage bag people too...and music....and possibly five or six jager bombs in me along with beh tzou galore.
Somehow My body was able to disregard all of the abuse it welcomed Saturday night, until I finished work in the afternoon. Then, I really crashed. Oh boy did I ever.
That was yesterday. Today's start is far brighter, crafted from a good night's rest and soon to be spaghetti on toast.
Tonight, we're doing Mediterranian.
Baba Ganoush!
These words are hot sex to my ears. haha, I stole that visual from Rob, who's msn name I noticed is, "wasabi is like hot sex in my nose". Thanks dude.
Smipsy and I had a happy, long msn session last night. It was a gloriously hyper-active display of wit and bizarre twin affection.
oooo spaghetti on toast is sooo nearly here! ho geen ho geen
ming mm ming ah?
I'm working on two new songs at the moment. One is reminding me a lot of an interpol/beta band mix. When I practice I can hear the bass and drums in my head. The other song I'm using a little mix of spanish minor notes with surf strumming. It's starting to sound a bit like a lullaby for koala's.
That's all for now in this head o' mine:)
I may add more later.
i'm not allergic to anything..i hate raisins!. i totally agree with your friend rob, wasabi is like, hot sex up your nose. i love wasabi, lick a spoon full its great orgasmic stuff.oohh that rush!, oooo.
your the cutest puppy..your so asian its hilarious, hey my bro's into bleach i believe, i'll ask him. he reads so many manga and anime, its head spinning, im like hey poo i got you some anime dvd, hes like, 'im over it already!'.
your satty night sounds like a blast, especially that bit that ozzy bloke shoved his tongue down ur throat!. reow reow rahh!, must be that elastic garbage tube top little black dress that turned him on. thats why you should never ever ever wear garbage bags. all that unwanted attention!, and say no to tube tops!.
although it reminds me of the time when i was 6, i stripped naked, got a plastic bag, poked holes for my legs and wore it as over ralls. and ran outside to chase boys with a fork.
i love talking to you, i never have to explain my pyscho babbles!, you never sit there going, 'wah is she high?'.
oh so much fun fun fun fun!
we are going to run in squares!!!
be prepared for random calls k
though act all animated and shocked!
i want to hear your noises
therefore it will happen!
how many times did you get hit on!!!!!!!
babes u two are!
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