Monday, February 07, 2005


Happy Lunar Newyear Everyone!!!

Chinese Newyear is just two days away, and thankfully that means I don't need to work 'til Saturday! Horray!
Now this may come as a surprise to some of you out there in la la land, but for the first Saturday in a long while I actually didn't go out on the piss. All day at work this past Saturday I was feeling nausious, and at times a bit dizzy, so, midway through the day I spoke those ever so rarely heard words........"I don't think I'm going out drinking tonight." I did naturally feel a bit left out of the fun, seeing as a big group was heading out for the evenings festivities, but I am definatly glad I stuck by my nausious guns. Working Saturday's at Interkids are always extremely busy. So busy in fact, that free food is ready and waiting for us all day long in the kitchen, for the fourteen or so teachers rushing about trying to sign workbooks, gather lesson materials and simply sit down for a moments rest. Usually, even when slightly hung over, the free food gets me through the day just fine, but such was not the case this time, as I couldn't eat much of anything all day. Later that night when at home I made myself a rather gracious sized bowl of potato and leak soup (one of my favs) but I could only eat a third of it, before bending over to throw up everything in my stomach.

Luckily I don't have a fever at all, and I suspect it was the oober cheesy, constipation inducing pizza from friday night that lead me to gut wrentching activities the following night. I now feel absolutly fine, aside from a bit of a tender stomach, so I'm ready to treat myself to yet another delicous Aloo Gohbi Curry in just about an hour's time.

Myself, Gabe, Anders and Shaun all managed to meet up yesterday for a two hours of solid, productive band practice in Mong Kok. The seven song demo is nearing completion, so it should be ready by the end of the month. We've all been pretty busy the past couple of weeks, so the closest we got to having a steady practice came in the form of us waking up at my flat, sometime late in the afternoon last week, and messing about coming up with some decent guitar and scribbling down a few lines every now and then. Anders, being the kickass guitarist that he is, came up with an awesome new track that got me singing right along. The both of us agree that it sounds pretty good, so we put it to use during yesterday's jam session. The only problem with it so far is that I can't sing and play the bass line similtaneously. Practice Practice Practice I suppose, and I'll work it out soon enough.

We haven't played any shows since Chicago Blues, for the reason that we're focusing on really getting our act together in terms of new tunes. Though he only mentioned it lightly yesterday, Anders was saying that we nearly have enough material for a new album. The more that I think of it, the more I realize how completely true it is......I mean, we do definatly need another month of regular practice's before we could really say the words "new album"with confidence, but the material is there. It's now just a matter of maintaining focus and working out those ever- so- wonderful musical glitches.

One last thing! I was talking to the folks back home just a couple of days ago, and it seems that they are officially coming to Hong Kong to visit Steph and I!!!!!!! It'll be awesome to have nearly the whole family here, minus Carrie-o-line, and Ian. Though I'm sure they'll eventually make it out here to the east-east-east coast. Right, the rents will be here from March 28th right till April 14th, and from what was said when I spoke to them Saturday night, I think they may even be heading up to Beijing to see the Great Wall of China! Which I might add, Is DEFINATELY worth seeing!

Alright well, tiz time to get some curry!

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