Wednesday, February 02, 2005

"I'm going to eat your face!" Lok Yan

Three down, One to go!
This is just quick add on to what I just posted. My last class went so smoothly, for whatever reason. They're usually pretty hard to manage but today was a breeze. Anyway, I have no idea how it all started, but as I was glueing worksheets into their books, one of my students looked over at me and yelled, "I want to eat your face!" Keep in mind that these kids are all about four years old........... Needless to say I burst out laughing, and couldn't stop myself for some time, especially considering that the rest of the class caught on to the, "I'm going to eat your..." kick. So, within a couple of minutes the three little munchkins managed to list everything from my glasses to my whiskers.

haha good times had by all
tar tar

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