Saturday, February 03, 2007

Finally, London.

I have indeed made it back from england alive, but due to my crappy work computer I haven't been able to log on to blogger to update on recent adventures.

So, london was amazing. Rod and I went to a carnival where one ride gave us an amazing view of most on london at night, with the added pleasure of spinning around upside down to boot. It was fantastic.
After that we wandered around looking for a stand up comedy venue called The Comedy Store. We did. We went. It was packed and had a really intimate atmosphere. Aside from a few open mic night comedians I had never seen any stand up but it was obvious that the five people on stage were professionals, were outstandingly hillarious and possessed a remarkably quick wit. The whole show was improv with some added help from the audience yelling out ideas that those on stage had to work with.
In a fantastic mood, we hit up a near by pub, which carried it's very own lager called Samuel Smith. Excellent and not too pricey.
Earlier in the day we went to camden market and wasn't all that different from Kensington market in toronto, although much larger and there was more of a rock style to most of the clothes. Near the market was a fantastic bar that really reminded me of home and toronto called, End of the World Bar. Being a bit early though no bands were playing but the music was awesome. I realized yet again how out of touch I've become from new music. Hong Kong is virtually empty.

There's obviously a lot more to say but it's rare for anyone to have enough time to say it all. Somewhere in there we had dinner at a chinese restaurant. I ordered in cantonese and the waiter hadn't a single problem or raised eyebrow in understanding what I wanted.

London, I hope to see you soon.


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