Tuesday, December 26, 2006

.sucks to your bird.

The last few days have been my laziest in a long while. I've sat around accumulating body odour watching bad tv programs and eating. After being sick all day saturday from friday's pubs and clubs I've really been loving doing nothing at all. Feeling better now after a wonderful christmas dinner and having gotten ten new pairs of boxers, I'm once again ready to take on the irish world.

Merry christmas everyone.
To all you lovely people, I hope you're enjoying spending time with family and friends. Now, if we could only manage to gather in one spot..........then we'd be cooking.



Anonymous said...

Props to you for the blatant Father Ted quoting on Brent's blog.

I'll have you know that I own all three seasons on DVD. Another reason for you to come back to Hamilton some day? I think so.

Hope you had a top Christmas.

Anonymous said...

You crook-talkin' bastards want our food?
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Anonymous said...

WORD!!! We are all crippled here because the taiwanese earthquake. It's knocked out all the internet, that means no hotmail, msn , myspace or ANYTHING except HK server sites. This seems to be the only way to contact you. We may have a gig on the 12th Jan. You'll be back for that right? Anywho, have a great time and stay of the crack. Apparently, the Irish do that shit all the time!!

Shaun x

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Anonymous said...

Brendan, gimme me u n' rob's contact. So dat I can ask u out for a drink once u guys are back!

The "Nick" you know from the hell we lived for 2 years.

my msn/email: calari_gelideve@hotmail.com