Friday, December 22, 2006

lazy in ireland

Happy birthday kachun! sorry to hear about your flight but all is well now I'm sure.

Here we are in cork everyone. What a great place.
I've been meeting uncle's, aunt's and cousin's that I didn't know existed or hadn't seen in fifteen years.

Christmas is just a few days away.

The last time I was here I was seven years old. My folks took us all around the place and one thing I remember clearly is when we visited Blarney Castle. My dad told me some horror story about some kid falling down to his death when he leaned back to kiss the famous blarney stone, so I was too afraid to do it. The rest of my family went through with it but I just couldn't manage. Yesterday however, the folks, caroline and I went up the long narrow staircase some hundred feet up to the top of the castle and I kissed the old bugger. Apparently, kissing the blarney stone will give you the gift of eloquence when speaking.
It's all a load of crap obviously but it was fun none the less.
Fifteen years late I finally kissed that damn stone.

Tonight: pub crawl with a load of my parent's friends and their kids.

Congratulations Stephanie on getting your new job!
You've worked hard and deserve your comfy new editor's chair.

take care all.


Anonymous said...

I hope you're taking many exciting photographs for my viewing post your arrival back in Honk Kong.

Anonymous said...

sounds like ireland is doing u well.

p.s. missing an international flight became my ice-breaker with my new friends here. try it, it works pretty well. :)