Monday, January 30, 2006


Awesome! I just woke up, walked downstairs to an empty house and to my surprise was a package from labarinth books!

I ordered Aldous huxley's, Island, and Hakim Bey's, Temporary Autonomous Zone, from two seperate companies via about two weeks ago, and I thought they would take a lot longer to get here. I was wrong!

I finished my last book Mark Twain's, The Prince and the Pauper two nights ago, and just last night began reading Mary Shelley's, Franinstein: or, a Modern Promepheus,

BUT BUT BUT now I MUST MUST MUST read what was in that lovely pale yellow package!


Sweet loving!

And it's holly cee's birthday today!
When I was visiting my sis in toronto she told me that she still had another box of books from uni/ her own collection in storage under the house. In that box supposedly is Margaret Atwoods, A Hand Maid's Tale, which though I haven't heard much of it is apparantly another classic to go in line with 1984 and Brave New World.

"If there is hope, it is in the Proles!"

I've got to work tonight at eight, which is alright in my eyes accept that my finger is still obviously broken. But I need the cash, because I keep having dreams about being in Hong Kong with all my old friends, and I can't wait to start playing with the band again.
Though I have to work I'm actually going to go do something with my life and head downtown to a couple of tattoo shops. I've finished the piece I want for my upper/outer left arm. Nice mice nice.

Oh yeah, I haven't been able to update for the past two weeks or so because my computer was and still is massively being fucking by viruses. Sometimes I can get on msn, sometimes I can't. Sometimes like right now, there's a massive lag between what I'm typing and what appears of the screen....which is highly annoying.

A short update. I really want to get back into the groove of things in regards to hk. I never thought I'd be away this long. but there's not much I can do about it. I'm paying off a lot of debt which rocks, but I'm also going to be pushing myself right back into it when I get back to hk.

Shaun, you're patience and generosity are astounding. I obviously didn't show you how incredibly appreciative I was at being able to stay at your place rent free for two months. You have no idea how much that helped me out. My only payment I can really offer you is that the shelves and pillows are yours if you want them. I can't actually remember what else I left with you, but said items are yours for the keeping.

In other news, I want to come back mid february. But realisticly I'm coming back whenever my new passport comes through, which I'm assuming is about the second or third week of february. It'll be nice to come back to hk with a blank passport. I have a sneaking suspicion that if I tried to get back in with the one I have now, they'd just take one look at it in immigration, then look at me, and then swiftly kick my ass back onto a plane bound for canada at my own expense.
And that my comrad's would suck!

Other news. I'm still working. I seem to have fractured or broken a bone in my right middle finger, but there's no way I can take a weekend off to let it heal, so I'm just going to have to deal with it, because by golly I needs the dough!

Kachun!!! Good work with the demo, it's finally there, and I still owe you some serious mula for everything. I'm incredibly enviously of you because you're going to be playing your own show in japan! One of these days I'll make it out there, and hopefully I'll be ready to play my own gigs when that day comes.

This break has been good for me. I've had a lot of time to relax, read, write, and improve my guitar tecnique.

above is what I wrote last friday, but I couldn't publish any of it because my computer was driving me nuts with it's massive lag.

anyway, today has been hella good. I cut up my visa card......into a star shape. It was great.
I've been searching around for cheap tickets to hk and I think I've found what I need for about 5 or 6 g's HK.

So, tomorrow's plan is...

1) Wake up before 2:30pm
2) Go down to the passport office.....blarg!
3) Make an appointment at cottage 13 for some fresh ink.
4) read read read
5) ................
.........any suggestions?

Happy camping everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dude, hope you can stop by London before you go back to the HK. Stay Breezy, dude.

Anonymous said...

Aah! You soft bastard!! It was my pleasure to have you as a guest at the 'chez skidmark'. What are friends for? You must come back soon because I'm sick of telling evrybody that I don't know when our next gig is!!! We are bigtime here now. Anders was a hit in Japan and I'm gonna be in the paper soon. Gabe, as far as I know, has been getting fat on Lasagne!!
Stay cool and stay sexy!!
Shaunie doublethink

Anonymous said...

dude, when you're ready to play shows in Japan, let me know. I'm a good booking manager. haha.

it was fun playing a show here in Tokyo with Kachun. You should've been there, too. Maybe next time doublethinks as a band can play here.

Anonymous said...

sois parecidos al experto))) cialis Mi dispiace, ma, a mio parere, si sbaglia. Sono sicuro. Dobbiamo discutere. Scrivere a me in PM. [url= ]cialis generico espana [/url]