Saturday, November 04, 2006

halloween was grand

Sweet corn and mashed potatoes!
Turnip Cake and spring rolls!

yummy food!

I'm not sure why but for the past five days I've had a really dry mouth. It's such a pain in the ass. I keep having to drink more water than usual, which i'm sure isn't all that bad, but the result is a near constant need to know where the closest toilet can be found.

Alright, for halloween gabe, rob, kachun, cora, sharon and I all dressed up and went to a house warming halloween bash for Roy and Andrew. There was plenty of wine and spirits. I stuck to carlsberg for most of the night. When we turned up there were already a lot of people, nearly all lacking a halloween get up. Rob was cheered when he walked in in his full body official scooby do costume. It really was awesome.
I bought a pirate costume that turned out to be too small for me, so I was showing a bit of belly, and the black pants were fairly transparent. nice.
Hong Kong has a long interesting history with pirates. Most of the outlying islands were established by famous pirates who avoided authorities in all eastern seas. Legends. Anyway, I'm positive that I was the gayest pirate to ever walk this land. I brought along a small air pump and a load of narrow balloon's as well and spent a good deal of the night making balloon animals, which was pretty fun.
Gabe was a massive inflatable fire truck. He was too big to even sit down or really move around the flat. When blowing it up with the balloon pump he looked like he was nearing his last breath. kachun was a far classier looking pirate and the gals, sharon and cora were matching chinese ghosts. They were wearing traditional red chinese dresses with long slits of each side, faces painted pure white, red lips and dark black makeup around the eyes. They were actually very freightening.
Taking the train from my place, where we all met, to Jordon was funny.
Some people just ignored ua like nothing at all was out of the ordinary. Others asked us questions or just laughed. As a rule Hong Kong people ignore anything strange or amusing and stare offensivly at more normal things, like western minorities or anything that you happen to be reading.

mr. harrington

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