Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well well well, where the hell have you been ?

Sorry for the big gap since my last entry. I've been busy working six days a week, and the rest of the time I've mainly been lounging around at home. Home, by the way, is awesome. I've never lived anywhere in hong kong before that felt this much like a homestead. Most days after work all I can think about is how nice it's going to feel when I'm sitting my tired ass down on our big brown sofa, and play with my beautiful fat rabbit.

For all you elta readers out there I want you to know that I am writing this entry at THE internet cafe, AND I just had my fill of spaghetti man's wonderful spag and hash browns.
It was sooo gooood. That's all.

There are some interesting developements happening here in the east and back in the west. I'm happy to say that I've got a new job lined up and I'm beginnning the visa process now. Come the end of July I'll be working in tai po, which is only four stops on the kcr from my flat. Awesome. This will be the first time I'll actually work close to home AND I won't have to deal with the city! It's going to be so good.

On the western front the Harrington's are continually dispersing. Caroline is working at fort macmurray in northern alberta. Steph and Josh are working at some sort of hotel in ??? Vancouver??? I'm not sure of the location.
Steph, Josh........where the hell are you again?
Ian is still in the hammer slammer working and fighting like a champ, winning tournaments and enjoying himself.
I'm saving the best and biggest for last, because this one is good.
My folks are vacation now in vancouver, then northern bc and alberta to visit caroline and the other two scally wags. BUT!!! That of course isn't too riveting. What is however is that mum & pop have put the house up on the market and come this september they'll be living back home in Ireland.

That's right. As of september this year I'll be homeless in canada. When the lease ends on my currant flat in May 2007 I'm likly going to return back to canada. Whether I start school at Emily Carr or wait to start in Ireland, I'm not sure. All I know is that I really would like to head home for a few weeks right now. I'm not homesick at all, I simply want to hang out with everyone back home because I won't be able to do so for nearly another year.
plans plans plans
This sudden want has clearly been brought on by a recent visitor. Lovisa is a friend of my good pal Melissa who's now living in canada. Ms. Lovisa's parents live in hk, so she was back here for a month to spend time with them. Hanging out with her was an absolute blast, drinking absinthe and talking for ages in gecko lounge....going to work the next day not even having been home..... It's a shame she's gone now. I haven't really met too many new faces lately that were that much fun to hang out with.
Sin Yee and I have split up. I made the move, knowing that I'm much happier when I'm single. All I have to do now is keep my lips to myself, which I don't think'll be too tricky because I'm really not interested it meeting anyone else. I've got my rabbit, hoppy, so I'm damn happy.
Speaking of past interests....a blast from the past found me on myspace recently. Mandy Immurs. I'm writing a story about how we met now, then I'm going to mail it to her in exchange for a painting. To clarify, aside from a few kisses on the cheek we never had any sort of romantic relationship. She was just fun to hang out with. Chemistry.

Doublethinks is finally starting to kick back into gear now, just in time for shaun to leave for england for a month, gabe to canada for three weeks, and kachun's likely departure for india in august. fuck. I really want to get back on stage. What we've been working with in the studio has really helped our sound. For the past few months we've just been jamming non stop, not really working on any structured tunes or going over oldies. This combined with my guitar practice has really pushed my skills. I'm able to move much more freely walking all over the bass. I'm itching to get into the studio to record a few of my own gems as soon as I work out some drum work with gabe. Listening to too much beatles, iron and wine, elliot smith and neutral milk hotel has gotten me finger picking a lot more. I've moved down from mediums to lights, which, with the added bass practice is steadily turning my finger tips on both hands into crusty hard muffin tops.

Reading even more than usual has got me writing and working on stories everyday. I stole a great pen from Sin Yee the other day when she was watching the england vs. trinadad tobago match, and man does it move. It's got such a clean cut to it, so that even when I'm pumping out lines at top speed it's still not too messy. I'm aiming to document more of what has happened during the past three years, and what's likely to happen this year. Daily events, stories, people.........nothing too big new or crazy, but it feels good to get it all down.
Reading 'On the Road' now has got me liking the mixed autobiographical style. Plus, I'm day dreaming about hitch hiking across canada, diving into the states skipping most of the prarie provinces. I know I could do it without a lot of cash.
I've got twenty pages left and then I'm starting another Huxley novel, Eyeless in Gaza. I brought it with me today, knowing that I'll finish On the Road during my long break. Next week I'm going to try and find a small chain book shop in central. I've been going to their shop in tst and I really enjoy the selection, but I wasn't able to find Doors of Perception, which, as far as I know, is a sort of essay style interprative from Huxley's experiments with drugs.

Tomorrow is Shaun's birthday. He's either turning 27 or 28, I can never remember. Over the past year or so Shaun seems to have gotten much more carefree and laughs more than anyone else I know. He has also saved my ass many times by giving me a place to stay, rent free, loaning me cash whenever I needed, and of course buying me drinks all the while.
So, shauny baby, happy birthday. Thanks for everything. Tomorrow night the world is all yours, even more than usual. I'm going to steal a whiteboard marker from work and draw on your face. That's right.

Tomorrow is the day that the gas man comes! Which means that we can finally use our stove!!! Rob Rod and I have been living from our wonderful and tired oven for far too long. After 2pm tomorrow I will no longer need to bake my noodles in water, instead I'm going to drown everything I see in the cheapest oil park n' shop has to offer and fry it all up until I'm bigger than the fridge. THEN! then then then, I'm going to make enough KD and cheese to fill the bathtub with. AND! I can once again make soup! and TEA! and DUMPLINGS! and SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOO much more!
I'm even going to heat my beer up in the wok...not because it'll taste better, BUT BECAUSE I CAN!

take care everyone!
b.bop. brendan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Brendan, it's Melissa. so very happy to hear you had a good time, so sorry I wasn't there too. Doors of Perception is indeed a long essay about his experiments with LSD... he describes how he perceives curtains and pants! very exciting. If you like the autobiography/drug induced/beatnik genre, check out 'Naked Lunch' by William S. Burroughs... there's nothing like artistic surgery and experimentation in wet dreams.