Monday, April 11, 2005

Lamma Lamma

Well, it's Monday morning and the folks are now on their way back to Canada. It was great having them here, especially considering that the next time I'll get back there is Christmas. And a having a couple of home cooked meals with the Rents, Steph and Josh was quite nice. I definatly have missed mum's homemade spaghetti.

Yesterday we went to Macau, because we had pretty much done everything else touristy in Hong Kong. Out of the five of us, I was the only one who had been there before, but I really didn't see too much, as I only spent three hours there last time. Plus, my tourist visa had only ten days left on it, so, now I'm good for yet another three month stint.
Last night, Steph Josh and I were briefly discussing plans to travel to Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand in the not too distant future. Recently we had heard about a sleeper train that we could catch, from Hong kong to Southern China, which would then travel for a good 27 hours right into any of the above countries. Seeing as I don't want to draw too much attention to myself with hong kong immigration, I think the trip would be a great idea, instead of making the habitual day trip to Macau every three months.

Actually, I was thinking yesterday, whilst wandering about Macau, that I wouldn't mind living there for a while. It would be far different from living in Hong Kong, because everything's in Chinese and Portuguese, though many of the younger residents speak a fair bit of english. It's also not nearly as busy as hong kong. Plus, if I could actually wrangle myself a proper visa, I could save my pennies and buy a kickass scooter. So many people, just fly around all over Macau on scooters. I've seen entire parking lots completly packed full of the little motorized two-seaters.

As for Lamma life.......
I'm loving life on the island. It's peaceful, I have a lot of space to myself, and most importantly I've set up nearly everything I need for my studio. Just last week I bought a roll of primed canvas, measuring 63'' x 6 yards, and I've been working on one piece just over 5' x 5'.
I've been fairly busy lately with trying to move everything in and having the folks over, so there have been a few nights when I crashed back at Hung Hom, but all in all I'm liking not having a television. I'm sure it'll get a bit lonely at times, but those instances will pass and i'll find something to busy myself with.

That's all I've time for now.
I'll write again soon, and thanks to everyone who's actually reading. Feel free to send an email my way, and let me know how everything's going.



kachun said...

i was living without a tv for a little while when i first moved to taipo, i didn't mind it at all. it was pretty much like your flat now - a futon, a paper made coffee table, a pair of cheap speakers, and my guitar.

in a room with no funitures, the guitar sound just bounced right back to me.

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