Friday, December 17, 2004

holiday's are awesome

I am horrible at keeping in touch with anyone, no matter who it may be, when I'm away from home. Now, having established that minor detail I thought it best to start my own little online journal. At least this way I can regularly avoid the noisy internet cafe near my flat, by simply posting updates on here.

As of right now I'm sitting at work wasting time, waiting for my class to show up. All three of my students for this particular lesson, for whatever reason have yet to make an appearence. Of course I don't really care all that much as now my lesson will be shortened by each minute they're late. Awesome

So, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to all!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and drank on a relativly responsible level.
I spent my christmas playing guitar, eating rice and veggies at Yoshinoya, and getting pissed! It was awesome. Last years christmas was horrible.........surrounded by older chinese teachers from my school, speaking almost nil within a four hour period.
Anywho, that' s all over with.

Oh yeah, new years kicked ass! Being able to drink in public here is especially pleasurable, when there are literally hundreds of thousands of people around you........many of whom of so very attractive. Right so, a little off topic here but I found a shop in Tsim Sha Tsui that sells a 'must have' t-shirt. It's black (awesome) and has a rectangular picture just a tad more narrow than your standard A4 paper. The picture (slightly out of focus, which adds to the awesomeness of it) is of a sexy asian women seductivly biting her finger. In big white letters above and below the picture it says, "Asian Fetish". HOW GOOD IS THAT!!!!!!
........ I almost forgot, Christmas eve was one of the most fun days I've ever had, in recent memory. Anders, Rod and I walked around TST getting pissed (again surrounded by thousands and thousands of people, which is always fun when in a social mood) We screamed christmas carols, chased each other around, met up with ming, janice and co. Met tons of random people, and what's really strange is that tons of gals kept asking us if we would take a photo with them. So, the three of us, no longer feeling camera shy thought it best to jump into unsuspecting citizens joyous christmas photos. I really have no idea how many people's lives we entered that night, but it was definatly fun! I know what I'll be doing next year.
Also, Rod and a local friend, Jas, surprised myself and Rob when day after work by decorating the entire flat with christmas lights, balloons, a mini tree (plastic, and broken) and a whole lotta tinsel stuff........... aside from the ballons, which have either been deflated or popped by now, those decorations stand a good chance of remaining up on the walls 'til our lease runs out.

Right well, there she be.........the holiday update! There's plenty more news where that came from, but I need to teach now. I'll write about the band soon!


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