Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"I want to ride my bicycle. I want to ride my bike"

I woke up much earlier than usual for a tuesday morning with recycled images of riding my dad's bike in Canada.

Then, I bought a bike.

I've put on about nine hours on it since it's purchase. Already I can feel the fatigue and enjoyment.

On Wednesday I had a biking adventure and was in a fantastic mood all day. But that night when sitting at home with rob I received a worrying phone call.
Our land lord, called telling us that he planned on selling the flat we were living in very soon, and that we'd have to leave at the end of our contract....April 28th. I'd have to move in with someone else again....likely my bandmate shaun, if he'd have me. Rob would probably be sleeping on sally's floor. The change of residence would be highly, highly unwelcome.
Just a few weeks ago our landlord came by the flat and I had a chat with him, where he agreed to allow rob and I to stay several months past our contract. His english isn't that strong so rob and I professed every possible argument we could (including our vebal agreement) illustrating exactly how screwed we'd be if he kicked us out to Rob's gal, Cora. She rang him right away leaving us two pacing about the flat telling each other how detroyed we'd be if we had to move out in just one month's time. There's so much we need to do before we can even consider moving and neiter of us has time enough to deal with it now.
Cora, being the smooth talker that she is, reminded our landlord of his agreement with me, told him that we need time to get the floor fixed and the rabbits would need new homes to boot.
Fifteen minutes were passed in high anxiety until Cora rang rob back telling us that we could stay.

A fifteen minute bout of depression in an otherwise glorious. After running over and over how screwed I'd be if I had to move again, then finding out that all was well, I was even more cheery than before.

Oh, I named my new yellow bike, Dave.

Dave is awesome.

Right! Our tv interview went really well last week. I was red faced, gabe stared at this shoes when he spoke and shaun swore a few times. Afterwards, we had a few more drinks and saw a few friends of ours play an acoustic gig at Mink.

This past Thursday my band played a gig at the wanch with Defiant Scum and Hungry Ghosts. The whole night was fantastic. A lot of our friends who haven't seen us play in ages seemed impressed with the new rock sound we've been developing. We played eight songs in total and in true rockstar fashion we were sweaty and shirtless by the end of it, jumping around, drinking beer and watching our mates sing along to the songs we wrote. At four o'clock rob, appple and I were at home bowling on the nintendo wii. Then I woke up. I evidently passed out when I went into my room to change. Good times.

cheers all

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