Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Two and a half years Plan

Plans are beginning to crystalize, in regards to what I'll be up to in the next couple of years.

Though very loosely layed out, I'm happy that I have certain goals to ascertain. So, starting from this summer I'm going to work work work, and save as much as I can, using my wealth to pay off my debts, weighing in at about 18,000 Hk dollars.

By the end of august I hope to alleiviate myself of debt.
December 12- January 12, back to Canada from a lovely albeit wintery visit.
Then Back to Hong Kong for another five months or so, where I'd work to save as much as I can. ( The time period for this one is pretty shaky, because it really depends on how much I'm able to save within the next year)

After the approximate five months in Honky town, I'd come back to Canada to earn my TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) which would ensure me a good job, with higher salery in HK.
As well as my TEFL, I plan on getting my Motorcyle license in as quick a time as possible. I think I can get the full deal in about three months if I take lessons and all that extra money sucking garb.
So, with my M license, and TEFL cert in hand, I plan on picking up a second hand motorcycle well suited for long distances. Buying the actual bike may be a bit expensive, and may require a bank loan.

Now that I have my hypothetical motorcycle, and I'm all packed and ready to go, I would set off from Hamilton, heading towards British Columbia.
I've just started doing research today to get an idea of what path I'll be taking.
From what I have written down in front of me, it looks like:

Hamilton- Manitoba (Winnipeg) via the Trans Canada Hwy.
winnipeg- Saskatchewan (Regina to Saskatoon to Prince Albert National Park)
Sask- Alberta (If I follow the Sask route above, I can head SSW to Edmonton, then straight west to Jasper National Park) Depending on the altitude at some areas, and the pressure on the bike, I'd like to follow the mountains right down to Banff National Park to Lake Louisse to Banff, then cross the border into BC.
Though I may take a less ambitious route and head from Prince Albert, Sask. SW to Calgary, then to Banff and British Columbia.
I'm not sure which way I'd like to head in BC, but I was thinking of heading right out to the Pacific Coast, stopping by Vancouver, then following the coast south into the states for a bit, because it may be around late fall by the time I complete my set journey, and warmer weather would be good for both the safety of the bike, and me.

Taking a direct route, pretty much following the Trans Canada Hwy, from Hamilton to Vancouver is 4550 km, or 2844 miles. Though with some of the zig-zagging I've in mind, I'm sure it's quite higher than that, as I don't really want to just follow the highway, because of the monotany, which the prairy provinces and famous for, and I don't know how safe the TC Hwy would be on a motorbike.

Anyway, I'm starving and it's lunch time.

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